Some VRChat worlds play awesome music, but don’t tell you what it is.

So here goes a (relatively) simple trick to find the YouTube URLs using Proton on Ubuntu (or possibly any other Linux distro).


Set the launch options in Steam to WINEDEBUG=trace+process %command%.

Run Steam from the terminal and grep for yt-dlp.exe.

steam 2>&1 | grep yt-dlp.exe
flatpak run com.valvesoftware.Steam 2>&1 | grep yt-dlp.exe



VRChat uses yt-dlp in order to extract music and videos that get played ingame.

However, the program is not directly integrated, but instead downloaded as an .exe and then run with the appropriate arguments whenever a YouTube-URL needs resolving.

Therefore, in order to find those URLs we simply need to monitor which processes VRChat launches. A simple way to do this, is to make use of the existing debugging functionality of Wine. For this we want to launch the game with the environment variable WINEDEBUG set to trace+process. This will give detailed logs of all kinds of process-related calls the game makes.

Now, the only thing left is filtering the log output for any executions of yt-dlp.exe.

Detailed Step-by-step guide

1. Make sure you are on Linux

Currently these instructions only work on Linux, but doing it on Windows should be even easier. For example, the SysInternals Process Monitor will show you all kinds of events, including executed processes.

2. Add launch options

Go to Steam > Library > VRChat > Gear Icon > Properties > General and set the “Launch options” to WINEDEBUG=trace+process %command%.

3. Exit Steam

Completely exit Steam, so we can restart it with logs streamed to the terminal in the next step.

4. Launch Steam and filter the logs

This step depends on how you installed Steam.

Snap or native (.deb) installation

Simply run Steam like this:

steam 2>&1 | grep yt-dlp.exe


Simply run Steam like this:

flatpak run com.valvesoftware.Steam 2>&1 | grep yt-dlp.exe

These commands will take all (2>&1) of Steam’s output and filter it for any lines containing yt-dlp.exe.

5. Start the game and join the world with the video

6. Search for appropriate log lines containing the URLs

Look into your terminal and look for log lines containing YouTube-URLs. They should look like this:

01a8:trace:process:NtCreateUserProcess L"\\??\\C:\\users\\steamuser\\AppData\\LocalLow\\VRChat\\VRChat\\Tools\\yt-dlp.exe" image L"C:\\users\\steamuser\\AppData\\LocalLow\\VRChat\\VRChat\\Tools\\yt-dlp.exe" cmdline L"--no-check-certificate --no-cache-dir --rm-cache-dir -f \"(mp4/best)[height<=?2160][height>=?64][width>=?64]\" --get-url \"\" --exp-allow \",,,,,,,,,v-market.wo"... parent (nil) machine 0

7. Exit the game and Steam and then restart Steam normally

Other possible methods/ideas:

  • Monitor process creation using auditd & auditctl -a task,always
  • Replace the yt-dlp.exe binary and log the arguments before executing the real binary
  • Monitor process creation with Windows tools
  • Be lucky and catch the process in System Monitor / Task Manager